Saturday, January 25, 2020

Total quality management in competitive globalisation

Total quality management in competitive globalisation Global total quality management in financial service industries Total quality management The business leaders face immense pressure in todays turbulent competitive environment thats move forward by globalisation, macro-environment factors and advanced technological growth of internet. The strong market forces within this competitive environment have developed global customers who are more aware of changes in the global market. Total quality management is an important tool in any business to surmount future challenges within the turbulent financial service environment. TQM provides the financial business leaders with a formalised process in setting clear and achievable corporate objectives and at the same time guides the management in planning strategies to maximise resources and to achieve win-win partnership. Total quality management (TQM) is an organization-wide process that revolves around the Total Quality Triad. It assumes that there is never a state of perfection (Kelada, 1996). Hence, in order to that plans are developed in an integrated manner, three important total quality principles must be adhered to participation and commitment by stakeholders and senior management team, employee involvement and continuous improvements to meet customer satisfaction. Source: Bradford University Total quality management in global financial services environment In the global financial services environment, Total Quality Management (TQM) provides the overall concept that fosters continuous improvement in an organization. The implementation of a Quality Management System (QMS) does not equate to self-generated results. Continual improvement Continuous improvement of the QMS is of paramount importance for meeting and satisfying clients ever changing needs and requirements. The purpose of the project is to identify quality improvement through Kaizen program, performance measurements; benchmarking with appropriate key performance indicators; and essentially designing a balanced scorecard to achieve continual improvement. Practices by non-financial organisation Good practices implemented by construction organizations in strategic partnerships alliances and knowledge management was identified and developed recommendations for improvements to gain competitive advantage in the construction industry. TQM not suitable for financial services environment TQM is not really suitable for any service organisations but it really helps the service organisations to focus on the participation of senior management team, involvement of all employees and managing internal process towards achieving customer satisfaction. Long Term client relationship In global financial services environment business strategy is building on long-term client relationships. Over 90 percent of the work is repeated business from loyal clients. This strategy yields cost advantages, profits, and growth, allowing them to attract and retain investors and thus fuel further growth. Quality Gurus There are a number of writers whose work dominates the quality movement. Their ideas and approaches have stood the test of time and have come to from a body of accepted knowledge, to lead and advise their own movement in quality. They have become known as gurus Crosby Philip B. Deming W. Edwards Feigenbaum Armand V Ishikawa Kaoru Juran Joseph M Oakland john S Shingo Shigeo Taguchi Genichi All the above Gurus have presented their own work on quality management and have made a considerable impact on the world through their contributions to improving not only businesses, but all organizations including state and national governments, military organizations, educational institutions, healthcare organizations, and many other establishments and organizations. Global inventory planning and control management What is planning and control? The purpose of planning and control is to ensure that operations are working effectively and the production of products and services as required. There is another purpose of planning which is to minimise uncertainty and risk and a clear view of future forecasting. Financial planning and control It is a well known fact that a successful business helps organisations to generate enough cash in order to cover costs and make some profit. The difference between sales and cost is profit. The businesses are not always expected to be profitable from the very first day but there should be an expected plan for them to become profitable. There should be proper financial controls for all the businesses. The records should be accurate and complete and should fulfil the legal requirements. The tight financial control always helps the financial organisations or any organisation to monitor their current situation and always predict the future environment. The information derived from financial statement analysis can be used to establish future operating goals (financial planning) and to determine how to meet established goals (financial control). Developing pro forma financial statements is an important part of the planning and control processes. Inventory planning and control in financial services environment Inventory planning and control in financial services environment is the method of organising the difference between demand and supply of financial products and services. Inventory control is not a small matter from a financial perspective way. Inventory is really important and major current asset for any business including financial services organisations.As a result, there are always policies of businesses to keep the inventory as low as possible because too much cash hold up in inventory. The objective of reducing the inventory can be accomplished with modern inventory management processes that are working effectively. Global change management strategies in financial environment In todays world of economic and technological development, the organisations have changed significantly. The change had only been possible through restructuring, technological improvement and merging with other businesses. The most important challenge for the organisations is to implement such change to achieve the behavioural and cultural change that is most likely required to achieve the planned benefits. Behavioural change does not just happen in the organisation. Change will only occur if there is leadership, clear goals and planned benefits for its stakeholders. All of these should be properly communicated in a timely manner. Strategy for Change Three important principles to manage change are: Change management is not the goal in itself: For an organisation to be successful, change management plays an important role. Change management is all about managing the process effectively and leads to an environment where an improvement in performance are realised. The change targets must play an active role in realising the change: Change in projects will identify and successfully communicate the image, therefore letting the employees know that the planned benefits have changed and play an active role in realising those planned benefits. Employees are the greatest asset for any organisation: Employees are potentially the greatest challenge for any organisation. The image or goal of any purpose can only become reality if the employees believe in the project and have the desire to achieve it. Financial services environment In the last decade, financial services sector has undergone major changes. The financial sector is a rewarding field in which there is every chance to make or improve a career, particularly if staff is loyal, hard working and have given the correct back up support. It cannot be ignored that the current process of globalization and market deregulation has often led to restructuring within organisations. If these major changes have been mis-handled, then it would bring job insecurity and resulting increased pressure on work forces, which in turn can lead to higher work related stress, and a possible lack of commitment and motivation. Change requirement in current financial environment Capital, currently, is grossly overvalued. Company objectives are all about maximizing value for shareholders, the providers of capital. This can lead to companies adopting strategies that do not necessarily benefit stakeholders such as customers and staff. The same emphasis on capital, and shareholder value, breeds an unhealthy focus on short-term results. Shareholders of stock listed companies want better results every quarter, leading management to take decisions that are not necessarily in the longterm interests of the company and its stakeholders. This needs to change.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Adult Attachment Style

Adult Attachment Style Relationships are complicated enough without having to worry about what your attachment style is. However, the type of attachment style a person is greatly influences what kind of relationship they will have later on in life. When children are young, they develop a unique attachment with the parent(s) or primary caregiver. This attachment is the basic building blocks that help determine what type of attachment style will dominate the different dimensions of relationships throughout adolescents and adulthood.I have recently completed a questionnaire designed to determine specific aspects of adult attachment style. This type of research is designed to measure the range of attachment as related to anxiety and avoidance associated with adult attachment theories. According to the questionnaire, I scored 2. 60 for attachment related anxiety on a scale of 1-7 one being low and 7 high. My other score was 2. 33 for attachment related avoidance using the same scale rangi ng from 1-7 one being low and 7 high. My combined score classified me in the secure quadrant.What this means is that for myself and those who scored in the low range of anxiety and avoidance, and falling in the secure quadrant are more likely to have satisfying relationships, are comfortable expressing emotions and tend not to suffer from depression and other psychological disorders. One other component is that people with similar attachment styles tend to partner together. I found this to be very interesting because I had my husband take the questionnaire and to my surprise he scored 3. 83 attachment-related anxiety, 3. 8 attachment-related avoidanceonly a few points higher than me and he also fall into the secure quadrant. Whatever adult attachment stylesa person is there seems to be a link between the infant and their parent(s)/caregiver relationship, and how it will impact future relationships. Research, theorizes that secure attachment in infancies is the result of the parent s eeing to every need of the infant and establishing a loving and safe environment. Psychologist Mary Ainsworth developer of the procedure, known as â€Å"Strange Situation† provided research offering explanations of individual differences in attachment styles.She identified three main attachments, secure(the category I fall in), insecure avoidant and insecure ambivalent concluding that these attachments were the result of early interaction with the mother. I believe that a child has a better chance at becoming a secure and emotionally sound adult when the parent(s) or caregiver(s) establishes positive attachment patterns such as a nurturing relationship anda sense of security. McLeod, S. A. (2008). Mary Ainsworth | Attachment Styles. Retrieved from http://www. simplypsychology. org/mary-ainsworth. html

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Entrevista de estudiante becado a residente permanente

Entrevista a Miguel Pà ©rez, bloguero de Vidgo, que ilustra uno de los muchos caminos para emigrar a Estados Unidos. Llegà ³ como estudiante  y  es residente permanente tras haber tenido varias visas de trabajo. La experiencia de Miguel es comà ºn a muchas otras personas: llega a Estados Unidos  con una visa y segà ºn va pasando el tiempo va cambiando a otras hasta que, finalmente, consigue una tarjeta de residencia. Es fundamental resaltar que nunca se quedà ³ sin estatus migratorio legal. Y es que es innegable que respetar siempre las leyes americanas, incluidas las migratorias, facilita enormemente los distintos trà ¡mites migratorios. Cmo llegaste a Estados Unidos, con qu visa y en qu ao fue? Respuesta: Lleguà © a Estados Unidos en 1994 con un visado de estudiante, para cursar una carrera de Marketing y jugar en el equipo de tenis de la universidad. Culfue el proceso para ganar la beca para deportista?Cmo sabas adnde aplicar?Solicitaste entrada en ms de una universidad? En qu universidad acabaste estudiando? Por suerte, conocà ­a a uno de los jugadores que ya estaban en el equipo, otro canario. Fue  Ãƒ ©l quien me animà ³ a comenzar el proceso. Como yo entrà © en enero, las becas ya se habà ­an concedido, por lo que tuve que pagarme mi primer semestre. Despuà ©s de mi primer semestre, el entrenador me ofrecià ³ una beca completa para el equipo de la Universidad de Luisiana en Monroe (ULM). Adems de ser un excelente deportista, qu ms requisitos necesitaste para ser admitido? TOEFL? SAT? Cmo los preparaste? En aquellos tiempos, solo me pidieron el SAT y no necesità © el TOEFL.  Y, sin estudiar, me presentà © al examen (algo que no recomiendo a casi nadie).Por lo tanto, el SAT fue el à ºnico requisito. Mi nivel de inglà ©s al llegar era tan pobre que cuando lleguà © a la universidad y me dieron un examen de evaluacià ³n, me metieron en clases intensivas de inglà ©s (ESL) durante 3 semestres. Hoy en dà ­a le recomendarà ­a a los interesados contratar los servicios de una agencia especializada en este tipo de trà ¡mites—como AGM Sports,  con los que yo trabajo. (Ademà ¡s, prà ¡cticamente todas las universidades piden hoy un mà ­nimo nivel de puntuacià ³n en el TOEFL). Cunto se demor todo el proceso desde que decidiste aplicar hasta que fuiste admitido, qu gestiones tuviste que hacer y cunto fue el costo de todo ello? En mi caso, el proceso no demorà ³ mà ¡s de 8 meses. Desde que tuve el primer contacto con la universidad a principios del 93, hasta mi admisià ³n oficial a finales de noviembre.En enero de 1994 desembarquà © en tierras americanas. El costo total de gestiones ascendià ³ al precio que tuve que pagar por el billete para ir a Madrid a examinarme. Ni siquiera comprà © libros, por lo que el coste fue bastante reducido. Y el primer semestre me lo paguà © yo todo. En porcentaje, de todos los gastos que supone estudiar en Estados Unidos, cunto te cubri la beca y cmo pagaste por el resto, si es que necesitaste? Por suerte, mi beca cubrà ­a el 100 por cien de los gastos (matrà ­cula, libros, estancia y comidas).Para costearme algunos gastos extras, solà ­a dar algunas clases de tenis en mis tiempos libres. Durante tus estudios cuntas horas le dedicabas al deporte? Cmo esestar becado como deportista? Yo estudià © marketing y juguà © en el equipo. Mi primer aà ±o fue bastante duro porque mi inglà ©s era el tà ­pico de cualquier estudiante espaà ±ol de colegio—very bad. Lo que hacà ­a era traducir todos los apuntes de clase, que habà ­a pedido a algà ºn compaà ±ero americano, para estudiar en espaà ±ol. Es decir, que trabajaba el doble que los demà ¡s. En cuanto a las horas de entrenamiento, solà ­amos correr o hacer pesas a las 5:45 am hasta las 7. De ahà ­, nos duchà ¡bamos e à ­bamos a clase de 8 hasta la 1 pm. Por la tarde entrenà ¡bamos de 2:30 a 5:30. Algunos tenà ­amos clases por la noche tambià ©n, de 6 a 9. Yo me propuse tomar 21 horas (3 crà ©ditos por curso) en cada semestre, lo que hoy puede parecer una  Ã‚  locura. Las universidades consideran que un estudiante estudia full time con 12 horas. Pero a mà ­ 12 me parecà ­an muy pocas, ademà ¡s tenà ­a que recuperar todo el tiempo que habà ­a empleado en mis clases de inglà ©s (ESL). Estar becado como deportista es una experiencia increà ­ble. La verdad es que nos trataban  muy bien, desde las instalaciones especiales para comer para deportistas (training tables) como todas las instalaciones deportivas a nuestro alcance. Bà ¡sicamente, te pagan para que formes parte de la universidad. Salir con una carrera terminada, sin un dà ³lar de deuda, es algo que no resulta muy frecuente. Al finalizar tus estudios, disfrutaste una OPT? Cmo fue el proceso? Al finalizar mi carrera, decidà ­ cursar un mà ¡ster en administracià ³n de empresas (MBA), ya que querà ­a pulir un poco mà ¡s mis conocimientos empresariales. Despuà ©s de terminar mi MBA, solicità © el OPT. Lo usà © para trabajar en JP Morgan Chase, como miembro del equipo de servicio al cliente en espaà ±ol en la divisià ³n hipotecaria del banco. Se comenzaban a ofrecer servicios en espaà ±ol y yo fui parte del primer equipo de espaà ±ol de Chase, junto o otros 4 compaà ±eros. Nos encargà ¡bamos de servir todo el territorio nacional, desde la sede de Monroe (la sede principal de la divisià ³n hipotecaria de Chase en aquellos momentos). Y despus de la OPT, qu? Despuà ©s de once meses, y de ganar el Employee of the Month como 5 veces en Chase, mi supervisor me aseguraba que el proceso de aplicacià ³n de mi visado se harà ­a sin problemas. Pero, a dos semanas de que mi visa OPT se venciera, me llamaron al departamento de recursos humanos para informarme de que no procesarà ­an mi visa. En ese entonces, y casi con la certeza de que me tenà ­a que regresar a casa, me llegà ³ una oferta inesperada desde la universidad, para impartir clases de Ofimà ¡tica y administrar la red informà ¡tica de la facultad (durante mi MBA, habà ­a sido Graduate Assistant del network administrator, y à ©ste se disponà ­a a abandonar supuesto). Con la universidad, comencà © con visa J-1, tres aà ±os seguidos. Despuà ©s de ese perà ­odo, se ofrecieron a tramitarme la H1-B, la cual renovà © al cabo de tres aà ±os. Entre tanto, la solicitud de mi green card comenzà ³ allà ¡ por el 2004. Despuà ©s de casi 5 aà ±os, en febrero de 2009, mi green card fue concedida.   Cmo conseguiste las visas de trabajo y la tarjeta de residencia? La universidad me patrocinà ³ las visas J-1 primero y la H-1 despuà ©s y, finalmente, la green card (tarjeta de residencia permanente) Planeas hacerte ciudadano americano por naturalizacin? Si no me equivoco, podrà ­a comenzar el proceso de nacionalizacià ³n. Como  Estados Unidos y Espaà ±a me permiten tener doble nacionalidad, quizà ¡ opte por solicitarla. Vives con tu familia? Sà ­, con mi esposa que es venezolana. Estaba en Estados Unidos con una H-1B trabajando para la farmacà ©utica Bayer pero pedà ­ para ella una greencard y ahora tambià ©n es residente permanente. Tenemos dos hijas que son ciudadanas americanas por haber nacido aquà ­. Cules seran tus recomendaciones a deportistas que se plantean la posibilidad de estudiar una carrera universitaria en Estados Unidos? Mi primera recomendacià ³n serà ­a informarse muy bien sobre el proceso (exà ¡menes de ingreso, becas, papeleo, todos los documentos necesarios...) Aparte, les recomendarà ­a conocer muy bien cà ³mo funcionan las cosas aquà ­, en caso de que en el futuro, decidan quedarse un tiempo a trabajar. Temas como la importancia del credit history en este paà ­s, los internships como puerta de acceso al mercado laboral, relacionarse con antiguos alumnos de la universidad durante los eventos, incrementar su visibilidad con el profesorado, y muchas otras cosas.   Este artà ­culo es informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Communication And Political Behavior An Organization For...

This research imparts an extremely vital aspect in everyday business and personal ventures. The subject covered in this discussion are in regards to communication and political behavior. The author describes the issues of downward communication and organizational politics as it relates to the business sector and personal knowledge. The contents of this analysis derive from the liberty university online library, textbook, audio class presentation, and a scripture with biblical insight and application. COMMUNICATION AND POWER 3 Communication The topic of communication plays is a vital aspect in the business community. The process of delivering a message is a process that describes conveying thoughts to others (Robbins Judge, 2009, p. 352). The message delivered varies in mediums to an audience that receives the purpose from the speaker (p. 352). The steps that occur display key aspects during the communication process that are sending, receiving, and feedback (p. 353). Next, this research will examine the process of communication in an organization for management to synergize the corporate vision. There is a topic that is vital in the business realm as it relates to communication (Muhammad, 2015, p. 13). First, the communication process in an organization will ensure thatShow MoreRelatedEmployees Will Lose Faith And Motivation And Their Productivity Essay962 Words   |  4 Pagesin our organization, department or teams? †¢ How best to manage workplace politics and improve team performance? 6. 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